Tuesday, February 24, 2009

St.Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways YO!

ughhhh okkk so St.Thomas Aquinas has Five Ways on something [i forgot]

  • First Way: The Argument from Motion
  • Second Way: Causation of Existence
  • Third Way: Contingent and Necessary Objects
  • Fourth Way: The Argument from Degrees and Perfection
  • Fifth Way: The Argument from Intelligent Design

so i only agree with ONE of them, which is the Second Way: Causation of Existence.
so some of us believe that we are ALL created by the celestial being, G-d. well what created G-d?
such a good question, but alas we have no answer! who created the creator who began the chain of existence for all things???
this is scary.....

the others are just confusing....they make no sense to me...
well actually they DO make sense...its just that the Second Way made waaaay more sense than any of the others!
but i think that the Fourth Way: The Argument from Degrees and Perfection is just stupid.
it makes no sense to me. its hard to explain.