Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Father-Daughter Relationship

so what was the question?
uhmmm......oh how did Galileo's daughter help him out with his book etc?

well she always wrote to him, prepared medicine for him, edited his book [did the manuscripts], and when he was tooken into jail she also took partial credit for it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

St.Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways YO!

ughhhh okkk so St.Thomas Aquinas has Five Ways on something [i forgot]

  • First Way: The Argument from Motion
  • Second Way: Causation of Existence
  • Third Way: Contingent and Necessary Objects
  • Fourth Way: The Argument from Degrees and Perfection
  • Fifth Way: The Argument from Intelligent Design

so i only agree with ONE of them, which is the Second Way: Causation of Existence.
so some of us believe that we are ALL created by the celestial being, G-d. well what created G-d?
such a good question, but alas we have no answer! who created the creator who began the chain of existence for all things???
this is scary.....

the others are just confusing....they make no sense to me...
well actually they DO make sense...its just that the Second Way made waaaay more sense than any of the others!
but i think that the Fourth Way: The Argument from Degrees and Perfection is just stupid.
it makes no sense to me. its hard to explain.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

St.Augustine & Gothic Architecture

i hate how we have to connect this with art history.
and i hate the fact that we MIGHT have a mini midterm on art history and philosophy.

anyways so im suppose to connect st.auguatine with gothic architecture.
its somewhat pretty easy since we went over it during class on friday.
well yeah.....

St.Augustine's Philosophy
We must remove the faulty impressions of sensory knowledgeto attain divine wisdom.
G-d's grace allows us to access his good. By looking inward (introspection) and then upward (for grace), one can achieve salvationand happiness.
Only "Inner Experience," studied through introspection, was valid(later called Beatific Vision).
He believed that science and philosophy not conducted in the service of theology were suspect.

Gothic Architecture
The whole point of moving to Gothic Architecture was to move AWAY from darkness and move into light.
Abbot Suger was confused with a Syrian Saint, Dionysius.
Because Dionysius was a Neoplatonist, and in his books he constantly compares G-d to light, Abbot Suger wanted to to bring light into the churches.


In St.Augustine's philosophy he believed that G-d is also seen through light.
there you go. that's how it connects. ha!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Personal Reasons....

i really didnt like how today in mr.batman's class we had to read all tortures of the jews...
it really made me uncomfortable for personal reasons....
i also had a hard time just reading it outloud onto the podcast.
yeeeaaaaa..... :/

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mein Kampf [Hitler] & Common Facallies

today during class we went over some new information such as common fallacies.
well there are many common fallacies like:
-Hast Generalization
-Faulty Use of Authority
-Post Hoc or Doubtful Cause
-False Analogy
-Ad Hominem
-False Dilemma
-Slippery Slope
-Begging the Question
-Straw Man

so yeah in Adolf Hitler's On Nation And Race [Chapter 11of Mein Kampf]
i spotted a few of these Comman Fallacies.

"THERE are some truths, which are so obvious that for this very reason they are not seen or at least not recognized by ordinary people."
That quote would probably fall under the category of Ad Hominem.
Ad Hominem an attack on the person making the argument instead of the argument itself.
Basically Hitler was attacking humans [some humans in particular] for the reason being blinded and not seeing the truth.

"Every animal mates only with a member of the same species"
This would go under the category of a False Analogy.
A False Analogy is an analogy that is descriptive, but does not offer proof of a connection between the two things being compared. So the quote above is applying to the animal kingdom, but not with humans.